Storytelling and Musical Programs

Shoshana Performing at the UNO Festival, Victoria BC, May 2008

Click on highlighted titles to watch Shoshana tell the story. Arrange an event by clicking here.

For Adults and Youth:

The Story of Hillel: Listen to an ancient story & sing a transformative song to help integrate one of the world’s kindest teachings. Based on the Talmud (Shabbat 31a) in “Ein Yaakov” & synagogue visits for World Religion students @ Congregation Emanu-El, Canada’s oldest synagogue building in continuous use.

The Princess and Her Beloved 
Experience the miracle of love’s triumph over adversity. Adapted from Peninnah Schram’s “Jewish Stories One Generation Tells Another.”

The Wooden Swords: An engaging story of resilience from Afghanistan, based on a version retold by Howard Swartz in “Elijah’s Violin and Other Jewish Fairy Tales,” featuring an original melody, “Trees Stand Tall,” by Shoshana with lyrics adapted from Jack Linklater Jr.

The Never Ending Song: A powerful Jewish creation myth by Nina Jaffe with an original melody by Shoshana.

The Girl by The Bay: A sweet love story with an unexpected twist, based on a Somalian tale by Felis Kidye in “I Bring You a Story: Folktales That Have Travelled” by Ruth Denziger. Featuring an original song, “Turn to Me Love,” by Shoshana.

The Great Debate: The tongue proves itself to be way mightier than the sword in this participatory tale from Persia featuring a nursing lioness. Adapted from Peninnah Schram in “Jewish Stories One Generation Tells Another.”

The Innkeepers Wise Daughter
Enjoy a delicious riddle tale told and sung with flare allover Europe, China and the Middle East, based on a version retold by Peninnah Schram in “Jewish Stories One Generation Tells Another.”

The Children of the King
A little wishful thinking goes a long way in this brilliant tale collected by folklorists from Libya to Iran. Based on a version collected from Tunisia by Peninnah Schram with melodies by Shoshana.

Soap, Soap, Soap
An Appalachian Folktale about memory, Tennessee mud, and a mighty river told with an irresistible rhythm. Based on a version by Mike Lockett, the Normal Storyteller.

The Star Globe Map 
Travel through time and discover what really matters from the West Coast of North America to the heart of Italy. A personal narrative by Shoshana.

Meat and Milk
This interactive story features delicious food, musical parodies and a paradigm shift. Based on a parable by Martin Buber and similar to a tale by Shlomo Carlebach, z”l (zichronot l’brachot, may their memories be for a blessing).

Autobiography in 5 Parts 
A revolutionary tale you can count on from the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying.

The Fox and the Lion
Quick thinking rescues captives in this parable adapted from the Ben Ish Chai, the 19th Century Rabbi of Baghdad.

Chelm Stories
Tales of holy fools invite listeners to share their own stories.

Choose Heaven
A scrumptious Chinese, First Nations, Jewish story about cooperation that launched Shoshana on the Maggidic path in Chicago in 2006.

Jerusalem Walk
Explore this ancient city holy to Muslims, Christians and Jews and discover possibilities for peace. A personal narrative with original songs, “Rei-ach Nicho-ach,” “Shiviti Hashem.” and “From Here Let Peace Begin,” by Shoshana.

The Place (HaMakom)
Make a walking beat with your feet, sing a wordless tune, sigh as if the world depended on it, listen deep and dream. A participatory song by Shoshana.

Explore Story Adventures, Workshops & Consultations with Shoshana

Stories from the Tree of Life
Practice the art of spiritual storytelling, indoors and/or out, during full day or evening workshops.

Discover ways to increase your success through storytelling
Find out how to awaken the power of story within yourself and/or your organization.

Ask questions to your heart’s content
Shoshana will do her best to answer your most curious queries or check with her best sources and get back to you, im yirtzeh Hashem (G-d willing/Inshallah).

For additional story recordings, flyers, texts, musical scores, Zoom or in person events please click here