Shoshana Litman tells lively stories filled with wisdom expressed in dramatic and engaging ways. Her stories and songs, drawn from Jewish and world sources as well as her vivid imagination, have inspired diverse audiences since 1997. Shoshana completed a two year study program with Maggid Yitzhak Buxbaum (zichrono l’brachah, may his memory be for a blessing) of Brooklyn, which lead to her ordination as a Maggidah, a Jewish storyteller, speaker and teacher, in May 2008.
Shoshana began learning about storytelling, spirituality and healing from First Nations Elders in 1977. Later she realized with delight that her own tribe had significant contributions to offer. Three years of study with an Orthodox tutor and more than a decade practicing Mussar (Jewish ethics), deepened Shoshana’s access to Jewish wisdom. She continues to learn and share stories, songs and Torah commentary whenever the opportunity arises.
Shoshana (aka Suzanne Kort Litman) has served as a Jewish Spiritual Care Provider at the University of Victoria’s Multifaith Centre, an administrator for the Mussar Institute of Vancouver, the South Vancouver Island Regional Coordinator for the Way to Go! School Program (an active school transportation program for B.C. elementary and middle schools) and a technical writer for the Washington State Department of Ecology. She has also been a newspaper columnist, research assistant, field biologist, registered massage therapist and travel author, and has a degree in environmental science from the Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington. Shoshana lives in a heritage house in Victoria, B.C. with her loving husband, Todd. Together they raised two bright sons who have each found brilliant spouses and have, happily, turned their Mom into a Bubbie (Grandma).